Looking to become a barista? Nail your first barista job interview, with advice from 3 hiring managers at top NYC coffee shops!
Interviewing for that first barista job? Want to be a better barista? Responsible for hiring baristas for your coffee shop? This podcast is for you.
In this episode, we are talking to three people who are experts on how to get hired, and what will get you fired from your first barista job. Our guests for this episode include:
- Ashley Gardner, General Manager at Gotham Roasters
- Matthew McShane, Director of Education at Think Coffee
- Mike Jones, Director of Retail at Variety Coffee
It's our job really, I think more than anything to be hearing what people are saying and let them speak to us and sort of be vessels for that without forcing anything upon them. -Matthew McShane
It's kinda a mix. It all depends, so we'll hire if someone has really great experience and they interview well and we vibe, then we'll hire them. But, I also do like hiring someone who has no experience but has a passion for coffee because I can't force someone to be passional at all about coffee, but I can train everything else. So, it's a balancing act between the two. -Ashley Gardner
There's definitely room for growth in coffee. I think you just have to tough it out a little bit...I think everyone gets restless and you want to stop being a barista and do something else because you wanna grow but like, I want to tell a lot of people to just chill. Being a barista is pretty great. -Mike Jones