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Award Winning Author Rachel Northrop on Eating Locovore and Coffee Tourism

Award Winning Author Rachel Northrop on Eating Locovore and Coffee Tourism
Wowzers, two new podcasts in two months?! The Angels' Cup Podcast is chugging along, this week with special guest Rachel Northrop. Rachel is the author of When Coffee Speaks: Stories From and Of Latin American Coffeepeople. In this episode, we chat about eating local foods, coffee tourism, writing books, and traveling the world. For more Rachel, you can find her on Instagram @whencoffeespeaks, and on her website http://rachelnorthrop.com


I went down to Latin American interested in where coffee came from based on the interest that I saw among people in the US for where all of their food came from. Again, that was seeing I had been just freelance blogging about sustainable food and I was noticing people were very interested in what was called the "locavore" movement. Which was only eating food that was grown within a 50 mile radius or 200 mile radius or whatever they decided on and that was partly because one of the biggest carbon contributors for food supply is the amount of fossil fuel used to transport it.
I was curious... being a very regular coffee drinker on coffee and the locavore movement. If this is something that is always going to have to be imported from a significant distance, what is actually going on where it's grown? Is there coffee that is more sustainable than another one? Is there coffee that is somehow superior, inferior, and also just the same way that you have conversations at the farmer's market, about whatever it is with the people who are there offering different products. I was hoping to have those conversations with people involved in coffee production at origin. So that's what the book is, a collection of stories with people involved in coffee at all points along the chain.
It's that exchange of getting to welcome someone from another culture into your home that is truly incredible. I would say that my first advice is to go.
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2018 US Cup Tasters Champion & Peixoto Head Roaster - Live!

Join us in our newest episode of Angels' Cup Coffee Hunters podcast where we talk about coffee, taste and everything in between. Today we are talking to Spencer Aidukaits from Peixoto Coffee Roasters and Ken Selby, 2018 US Cup Tasters Champion. We learn about how Spencer and Ken both got started in the coffee industry, who has influenced them along the way, how they prepare for a tasting competition, ways to meet more coffee friends and develop relationships in the industry and what is next for both of them. Want to follow along after the episode? Follow Ken on Instagram @calumnious.human and Spencer @spencer.aidukaitis.

Favorite Quotes:

"Starbucks was definitely just the job we were working at. It was definitely the start to everything. So where I started at, they actually for a little bit had the manual machines but segued out immediately after. So, I got a taste off it and then stopped and it wasn't until I moved to Houston that I actually started working with semi-automatic machines and actually figuring out how to dial in espresso and brewing coffee better." "It's been wild. A lot of it feels like I'm a business owner. We're thinking of like, what to do next, all the time. When we first started, we were all kinda clueless about specialty coffee. It was all of our beginning. So, we've been really just growing together and just try to do the best we can." "There is such a wide swath of descriptive terms that are borderline synonymous but then sometimes very different from what it would taste like and I think that you would get bogged down if you were like, 'Oh, I'm looking for a tangerine flavor because that's what the first coffee gave me.' So when I actually taste it, I work by the finish." stitcher-300x96 GPMLogo

2017 US Cup Tasters Champ Steve Cuevas Talks Tasting & Branding

2017 US Cup Tasters Champ Steve Cuevas Talks Tasting & Branding
It's been almost two years since our last podcast, and it took a very special guest to get us back up and running! Join us for our revival episode where we speak with Steve Cuevas, 2017 US Cup Tasters Champion, roaster for Black Oak Coffee, and winner of numerous other coffee competitions including:
  • 2017 Golden Bean Champion
  • Two Golden Bean gold medals and 8 silver and bronze medals
  • America's Best Espresso
Want to follow along after the podcast's over? Give Steve a follow on Instagram @dreadfulvegan, and to try his coffee visit Black Oak.

Favorite Quotes:

Whenever I do cuppings, let's say I have 20 single origins on the table, by the time I get to sample 8 everything is just acidity, bright, juicy. Not very differential. So I have on the back bar, a darker roasted coffee, because having that dark coffee will put it in contrast. So I'll put that in my mouth and swish it around my tongue and then when I taste the light origin again, everything is more vivid and it pops. My attitude towards coffee has changed, and the biggest influencer was Cat & Cloud in particular. You know, the first year we won the Golden Bean, the second year we're competing again and we're doing great. Then I wanna go check out some people I really admire, Chris Bacca and Jared Truby. I go there with the premise of evaluating the coffee they're preparing, and I end up seeing all their customer interactions and just seeing how everybody was left smiling ear to ear. And it hit me, when we focus on quality of coffee, we're only focusing on points, what the coffee tastes like. But in reality we're cafes and we're an experience. Single origin coffee is like a seared ahi tuna, you know you just sear the outside of it and you're good to go. A medium roast is more of a medium well done steak. You're letting the heat penetrate more into the center so it's not as pink. And then when it comes to french roast, you're adding a lot of heat to it, and so if you have a denser bean, the center of it doesn't cook as much as the outside. It's the equivalent of if I'm cooking a 6" steak, you're still going to have a little pink in the center. In coffee that rawness relates to origin character.
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